Strapi vs Contentful : Choosing the Right Headless Platform

Adeeb Malik

Blog / Strapi vs Contentful : Choosing the Right Headless

In a modern organization, content plays a crucial role. 

With headless CMS, the management of content and the delivery is separated (decoupled), allowing a greater flexibility and omnichannel publishing through the process.

Two prominent players in the headless CMS space are Strapi and Contentful. Both platforms offer robust content management capabilities. 

Key Highlights

  • Comparison of Strapi and Contentful - two popular content management systems
  • Overview of content management capabilities
  • User experience comparison
  • Content Infrastructure as a Service
  • Content model comparison
  • Content and digital asset management
  • Workflow comparison
  • Overview of governance and compliance
  • Pricing comparison

Strapi is an open-source headless CMS that provides an API-first approach to content management. 

It allows developers to build custom content models and APIs tailored to their specific needs.

Contentful, on the other hand, is a cloud-based headless CMS that offers a user-friendly content infrastructure with robust content modeling capabilities.

Both Strapi and Contentful aim to simplify content management and delivery, but they differ in their architecture, features, and target audiences.

As businesses increasingly embrace omnichannel strategies and seek to deliver personalized content experiences, the choice between these two platforms becomes crucial.

Content Management Capabilities

At their core, both Strapi and Contentful are headless content management systems that allow you to create, manage, and deliver content via APIs for use across multiple digital channels.

However, there are some key differences in their content modeling and management capabilities.

Strapi takes a more code-centric approach, providing a flexible data structure that developers can customize extensively.

It uses a content type builder to define content models, with fields for different data types like text, rich text, media, JSON, etc. 

This model-driven approach gives developers full control over the content architecture.

Contentful, on the other hand, has a more user-friendly, web-based interface for defining content models and types.

Its content modeling capabilities are geared more towards non-technical content editors. It provides pre-built field types as well as the ability to create custom field types. 

Content editors can set up validation rules, define relationships between content types, and translate content for localization.

Both platforms support core content management features like versioning, revision history, content scheduling, and webhooks.

However, Contentful goes further with more robust content workflow capabilities including content preview, role-based permissioning, content expiry, and multi-environment support.

For omnichannel content delivery, Strapi and Contentful both offer APIs to access and deliver structured content to any digital channel or device.

Contentful has more advanced content delivery features like instant content preview, image transformations, and a global content delivery network.

Strapi provides more flexibility for developers to customize the content architecture, while Contentful offers richer out-of-the-box capabilities for content editors to manage the full content lifecycle.

Developer Experience

One of the key factors that set Strapi and Contentful apart is their approach to developer experience. 

Both platforms aim to provide a seamless and efficient workflow for developers, but they achieve this in different ways.

Strapi: Developer-First Approach

Strapi takes a developer-first approach, which means that it prioritizes the needs and preferences of developers. 

The platform is built on top of Node.js, a popular runtime environment for JavaScript, making it a natural fit for developers who are already familiar with the language and its ecosystem.

Strapi's architecture is designed to be highly extensible and customizable.

Developers can easily create and modify content types, define custom fields, and build custom APIs using Strapi's API builder .

One of Strapi's standout features is its commitment to open-source development. 

The platform's codebase is available on GitHub, and developers can contribute to its development or fork the project to create their own custom versions.

Contentful: Content Infrastructure as a Service

Contentful, on the other hand, positions itself as a Content Infrastructure as a Service (CIaaS) platform. 

While it also caters to developers, its primary focus is on providing a robust and scalable content management solution for organizations of all sizes.

Contentful's API-first approach means that developers can access and manage content programmatically, making it easy to integrate with various front-end frameworks and applications. 

The platform supports a wide range of programming languages and provides comprehensive documentation and SDKs to streamline the development process.

One of the key advantages of Contentful for developers is its content modeling capabilities. 

Developers can define complex content models with nested structures, references, and validation rules, ensuring that content editors can create consistent and structured content.

Both Strapi and Contentful offer robust developer tools, such as content previews, webhooks, and deployment pipelines, to facilitate the development and deployment process. 

Strapi's open-source platform offers more customization, attracting developers who want control.

Contentful's ready-made features and robust infrastructure suit larger companies with complex content needs.

Content Administration

One of the core aspects of any content management system is the ease of administering and managing content. 

Both Strapi and Contentful offer robust content administration capabilities but with some notable differences.

Contentful's Content Model

Contentful's content model is based on a concept called "Content Types".

Content editors can define the structure and fields for different types of content, such as blog posts, products, or landing pages. 

This approach provides flexibility in modeling content, but it can also become complex when dealing with intricate content structures or relationships.

Strapi's Content Types

Similar to Contentful, Strapi also uses Content Types to define the structure of content. 

Strapi takes a more code-centric approach, where developers can define Content Types using JavaScript or TypeScript files. 

This approach may be more familiar to developers but could potentially create a higher barrier for non-technical content editors.

Content Entry Management

Both platforms offer user-friendly interfaces for creating, editing, and managing content entries. 

Contentful's web app provides a clean and intuitive experience for content editors, with features like in-context editing, real-time collaboration, and version control.

Strapi's admin panel, while functional, may not be as polished or user-friendly as Contentful's interface, especially for non-technical users.

However, Strapi's open-source nature allows for customization and extension of the admin panel to better suit specific needs.

Digital Asset Management

Managing digital assets, such as images, videos, and documents, is crucial for many content-driven applications. 

Contentful offers robust digital asset management capabilities, including asset libraries, transformations, and integrations with popular cloud storage providers.

Strapi also supports digital asset management , but its features may not be as comprehensive as Contentful’s features.

Strapi's extensibility allows developers to integrate custom solutions or third-party services for more advanced asset management needs.

Content Localization and Translation

For organizations with global reach, content localization and translation are essential.

Contentful provides built-in localization and translation workflows , allowing content editors to manage content in multiple languages and locales.

Strapi also supports content localization, but the specific features and workflows may vary depending on the plugins or extensions used.

Developers may need to integrate third-party translation services or build custom solutions to achieve similar localization capabilities as Contentful.

Overall, both Strapi and Contentful offer robust content administration capabilities.

However, Contentful may have an edge in terms of user-friendliness and out-of-the-box features for non-technical content editors.

Strapi's developer-centric approach allows for more customization and extensibility, which could be advantageous for organizations with specific content administration requirements.

Collaboration and Governance

Effective content management requires robust collaboration and governance capabilities. 

Both Strapi and Contentful offer features to facilitate teamwork and maintain control over content processes.

Content Workflows

Contentful provides out-of-the-box workflows with preconfigured roles, approval steps, and publishing controls. 

This allows teams to define clear responsibilities and maintain quality assurance over the content lifecycle. 

Strapi offers similar workflow management through third-party integrations and custom development.

User Permissions

Both platforms allow granular control over user roles and permissions. 

In Contentful, you can create custom roles and configure access rights for different content types, workflow steps, and organizational units. 

Strapi's role-based access control lets you manage permissions across collections, components, and global settings.

Content Preview and Scheduling

Previewing content before publishing is essential for collaboration. 

Contentful has a visual content preview that accurately represents how entries will look on different channels.

Strapi's preview functionality requires custom integration with front-end frameworks .

For scheduling, Contentful allows you to set future publication and expiration dates on entries.

For scheduling, Contentful allows you to set future publication and expiration dates on entries .

With the release of version 4.21, Strapi introduced Scheduling for Releases , previously possible via custom coding or third-party extensions .

Governance and Compliance

For enterprises with strict governance requirements, Contentful offers granular auditing, content freeze, and approval features to control the content lifecycle.

For enterprises with strict governance requirements, Contentful offers granular auditing , content freeze, and approval features to control the content lifecycle.

Strapi provides some governance through roles and permissions , but may require more custom development for advanced needs.

Contentful has more robust out-of-the-box collaboration and governance tools suitable for larger teams and enterprises. 

Strapi offers the flexibility to build custom solutions tailored to your specific requirements through its open-source codebase and extensible architecture.

Performance and Scalability

When it comes to performance and scalability, both Strapi and Contentful are designed to handle high-traffic loads and scale seamlessly as your content needs grow. 

However, some key differences in their architectures impact performance characteristics.

Strapi is an open-source Node.js headless CMS that runs on your infrastructure. 

This self-hosted model gives you full control over scaling resources like server instances, databases, caching layers, etc. to meet demanding traffic spikes or content throughput requirements. 

The downside is that you're responsible for managing and optimizing all aspects of the infrastructure yourself.

Contentful, on the other hand, is a cloud-hosted SaaS solution

Their multi-tenant cloud architecture and global CDN automatically distribute content closest to your users for fast delivery worldwide. 

Contentful handles all scaling efforts behind the scenes so you don't have to worry about infrastructure management. 

However, you rely on Contentful's resources and may have less fine-grained control over performance tuning compared to a self-hosted solution.

Both platforms focus on API performance through techniques like caching, compression, and optimized data models. 

Strapi leverages Node's non-blocking I/O for high concurrency. 

Contentful utilizes technologies like serverless cloud functions and Web Assembly to optimize API performance at scale.

In terms of content delivery speeds, benchmarks suggest Contentful's managed CDN service edges out Strapi's self-hosted performance in most regions.

However, with the right DevOps skills, you can likely achieve comparable or better performance hosting Strapi on a robust cloud infrastructure.

Ultimately, performance and scalability will depend on your specific requirements around traffic volumes, content size/complexity, multi-region delivery needs, and operational capabilities. 

But both Strapi and Contentful provide strong foundations to build fast, scalable content experiences.



Open-source, self-hosted CMSCloud-based, proprietary headless CMS
Highly customizable and flexibleScalable and enterprise-ready
Uses Node.js and can be extended with pluginsOffers a robust content modeling system
Free to use, with paid enterprise optionsPaid plans with different tiers
Offers a user-friendly admin panelProvides a user-friendly interface for content editors
RESTful API and GraphQL supportRESTful API and GraphQL support
Strong developer communityExtensive documentation and professional support

Pricing and Support

Pricing is always an important consideration when choosing a content management system.

Both Strapi and Contentful offer different pricing models to cater to varying needs and budgets.

When it comes to support, both platforms have different offerings based on the pricing tier.

Strapi provides community support forums and documentation for the open-source edition . Enterprise customers get premium support with SLAs for issue resolution.

Contentful offers email support on the free tier, with limited availability. Paid plans get access to 24/7 email and chat support , as well as phone support for the higher Enterprise tiers.

They also provide onboarding assistance and training services .

Strapi can be more cost effective for smaller projects or those with limited budgets by leveraging the open-source version. 

Contentful's pricing makes more sense for larger enterprises with significant content operations that can justify the higher costs for premium features and support. 

Evaluating actual requirements and projected costs is crucial when deciding between the two platforms.

Both Strapi and Contentful offer robust solutions for headless content management, but they cater to different needs and preferences. 

Strapi's open-source nature and developer-first approach make it an attractive option for teams seeking maximum flexibility and customization. 

Its self-hosted model provides full control over infrastructure but requires more hands-on management. 

Conversely, Contentful's cloud-based platform offers a more user-friendly interface and comprehensive out-of-the-box features, making it suitable for larger organizations with complex content needs and non-technical users.

To Conclude

The choice between these two platforms should be based on your team's technical expertise, budget constraints, scalability requirements, and other content management requirements.

Strapi on the one hand, is more cost-effective for smaller projects or those with limited budgets. 

Contrastingly, Contentful's pricing model and features are geared towards larger enterprises with content operations that are more significant.

Ultimately, the decision between Strapi and Contentful should be based on a thorough evaluation of your organization's requirements. 

Both platforms have their strengths and can deliver powerful content management capabilities. 

To select the optimal content platform, evaluate developer expertise, administrative requirements, collaborative features, performance goals, and financial constraints in light of your specific objectives and digital strategy.

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