Strapi vs Storyblok: Which CMS is Best for Your Business Needs?

Aniket Ashtikar

Blog / Strapi vs Storyblok: Which CMS is Best for Your Bu

Headless content management systems (CMS) have become increasingly popular over the last few years for their flexibility and decoupled architecture.

Two of the most popular open-source headless CMS in the market currently are Strapi and Storyblok.

Both are JavaScript-based, developer-first CMSs that offer robust content management capabilities through RESTful APIs.

Key Highlights

  • Comparison of two popular open source headless CMS - Strapi and Storyblok
  • Evaluating key features like content modeling, APIs, customization, scalability, etc.
  • Analysis of developer experience, ease of use, and security aspects 
  • Overview of use cases, integrations, and pricing models
  • Recommendations for ideal scenarios to use Strapi and Storyblok

Introduction to Strapi and Storyblok

A headless CMS, or decoupled CMS, separates the content management backend from the frontend delivery layer.

This allows the content to be consumed via APIs and used across any device, channel, or platform. 

Strapi is an open-source, self-hosted headless CMS that allows developers to create structured content models and expose them via RESTful APIs.

It features an intuitive admin panel for managing content, localization support, a plugin ecosystem, and detailed documentation.

Storyblok is a cloud-based headless CMS that focuses more on the editing experience through its visual editor and real-time previews.

It allows the creation of content types with custom fields and delivering content via APIs.

Key features include visual editing, collaboration tools, multi-language support, and an integration ecosystem.

Both Strapi and Storyblok have emerged as popular headless CMS choices for developers and companies looking to build omnichannel digital experiences.

While they share many common capabilities, there are some key differences in their approaches, features, and use cases.

Key Features and Functionalities

Content modeling capabilitiesStrapi provides an intuitive admin UI for content modeling. It supports creating different content types with custom fields and relationshipsStrapi provides an intuitive admin UI for content modeling. It supports creating different content types with custom fields and relationships
Content editing experienceStrapi comes with a basic WYSIWYG editor for editing content. Additional rich text editors like CKEditor can be integrated. Inline editing is also supportedStoryblok provides an advanced visual editor for editing content with drag and drop interface. It allows nesting content components and has real-time previews.
Content APIs  Strapi auto-generates content APIs for fetching content from the database. The APIs are customizable with permissions and filters.Storyblok automatically creates JSON APIs for all content that is published. The APIs can be customized for filtering, search, etc.
Extensibility and customizabilityStrapi is highly customizable. The admin UI, data models, APIs, and plugins can all be customized as per requirements.Storyblok allows the creation of custom content types, views, and plugins using its Component framework. The generated APIs can also be customized

Ease of Use and Customization

Compare the ease of use of both platforms, in terms of customization!

User Interfaces

Strapi comes with an intuitive visual editor for content editing. It has a WYSIWYG editor that allows non-technical users to edit and structure content easily.

Storyblok also provides an easy-to-use visual editor for content. It includes real-time previews , drag and drop builder , and editing widgets to optimize the editing experience.

Customization options

Strapi is highly customizable as it is open source. Developers can build custom admin panels, and customize APIs, and content models as per needs.

Storyblok also provides extensive customization options with its concept of components and space-based editing. Custom content types and fields can be created easily.

Learning curves

Strapi has a small learning curve owing to its simple and intuitive admin panel. Basic content editing and modeling can be learned quickly.

Storyblok also does not have a steep learning curve. With drag-and-drop interfaces and prebuilt components, users can quickly get started.

In terms of ease of use, both Strapi and Storyblok provide user-friendly interfaces for content editing and modeling.

Strapi provides more customization flexibility owing to its open-source nature. Storyblok makes customization easy with its block concept.

For non-technical users, Storyblok has a simpler learning curve while Strapi needs some technical know-how.

Developer Experience

Strapi and Storyblok both provide developers with robust tools and capabilities to build custom solutions, but they differ in their approaches.

Custom APIs

Strapi auto-generates customizable content APIs - developers can modify schemas, routes, controllers, etc. Provides full control.

Storyblok has auto-generated Content and Management APIs. Additional custom APIs require separate microservices to be built.


Strapi is highly extensible - plugins allow adding features and custom code. The core is transparent and modifiable.

Storyblok has an app framework for extensions, along with an events system. Custom code is possible but the core system is more closed.

Dev Tools and SDKs

Strapi offers SDKs for major frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, etc. CLI tool accelerates development.

Storyblok provides client libraries for React, Vue, and JS. Has a CLI tool, component library, and other helpers. 

Strapi gives more transparency and control over the core system for customization, while Storyblok offers extensions to augment functionality.

Scalability and Performance

When it comes to scalability and performance, Strapi and Storyblok take different approaches. 

Scaling Strategies

Strapi is self-hosted, so you have full control over scaling. Typical strategies involve scaling up server resources or scaling out across multiple servers.

You can use load balancers and databases like MongoDB for horizontal scaling.

Storyblok is a cloud SaaS, so scaling happens automatically behind the scenes. They promise unlimited content scaling with predictable performance.

Benchmark Results 

Independent benchmark tests show Strapi performs very well under load.

In one test with JMeter, Strapi handled over 4,000 requests per second without any degradation using a distributed MongoDB cluster.

Specific Storyblok benchmarks are not published, but they cite customers managing over 100 million content items without issues.

Optimization Best Practices

For Strapi, best practices include database optimization, caching, CDNs for assets, worker threads for APIs, and horizontal scaling.

Storyblok automatically applies caching , CDNs, worker scaling, and other optimizations you would expect from a cloud service. No need to worry about optimization details.

Strapi gives you full control over scaling and optimization, while Storyblok handles it automatically as a service.

Strapi likely has more potential for customization if you have advanced needs.

Storyblok makes scaling seamless but you lose some flexibility.

Security and Compliance

Both Strapi and Storyblok provide robust security and compliance features but take slightly different approaches.

Authentication Methods

Strapi supports JWT, email/password, and social authentication out of the box. Additional auth methods can be added through plugins.

Storyblok relies on API keys for authentication. While simple, it lacks support for more secure OAuth or social login.

Security Features

Strapi enables granular user roles and permissions for content editing and APIs. Content types can be restricted by role.

Storyblok has an “environment” concept for grouping spaces and restricting access. But user roles are basic editor vs admin.

Strapi also provides user auditing, SSL encryption, and database sanitization by default. Storyblok lacks native auditing.

Compliance Certifications 

Strapi is self-hosted so compliance depends on the hosting infrastructure. No specific certifications.

So for advanced security needs including role management, auditing, and encryption - Strapi is likely the better choice.

But Storyblok’s managed SaaS nature provides certifications that may suit regulated sectors.

Plugins and Integrations

Both Strapi and Storyblok offer plugins and integrations to extend functionality and connect to other services.

First Party Plugins

Strapi has an extensive marketplace of open-source community plugins for features like authentication, media management, SEO, and more.

Popular first-party plugins include email, user permissions, content-type builder, and content manager.

Strapi's plugin architecture makes it easy for developers to build and share new plugins.

Storyblok also offers a curated plugin marketplace with both free and paid options.

First-party plugins enable functionality like preview mode, component importer, translation management, and more.

While Storyblok's marketplace is not as extensive as Strapi's, they offer robust plugins suited for common needs.

Third-Party Integrations

Strapi integrates with many third-party services out of the box including cloud storage, search, analytics, payment systems, CRMs, email marketing, and more.

Developers can build custom integrations using the plugin SDK.

Popular integrations include Cloudinary, Algolia, Stripe, Mailchimp, SendGrid, and Hubspot. 

The Strapi community has also built integrations for AWS, Shopify, and Salesforce amongst others.

Storyblok also provides native integrations for services like Algolia, Cloudinary, and Google Analytics.

While Strapi likely has more existing third-party integrations due to its open-source community, both CMSs allow connecting to external services to enhance a headless architecture

Use Cases and Examples

Both Strapi and Storyblok are well-suited for typical headless CMS use cases across industries:

Ecommerce - For catalog management, customizing product detail pages, and optimizing checkout flows.

Media & Publishing - For powering public-facing websites and apps for news, magazines, and online publications with dynamic content.

Travel & Hospitality - For travel portals, hotel/restaurant websites, and apps with capabilities like localization, personalization, etc.

Marketing - For landing pages, campaign microsites, blogs, and documentation portals.

Some specific scenarios where Strapi or Storyblok may be more ideal:

Strapi - Ideal for developers building custom admin interfaces, pixel perfect designs. More flexibility.

Storyblok - Better for non-technical users managing content. More ready-made components.

Example implementations

Some example implementations successfully using Strapi or Storyblok:

Strapi - Managed cloud hosting provider Oodles used Strapi to build a developer portal and documentation site.

Storyblok - Sports fashion brand Gymshark built a headless architecture using Storyblok for their ecommerce storefront.

Storyblok - News publisher Der Standard rebuilt their website as a decoupled architecture with Storyblok.

These examples showcase how Strapi and Storyblok can enable building complex, high-performance sites.

Pricing and Licensing

Strapi Pricing

Image: Pricing of Strapi Headless CMS

Storyblok Pricing

Image: Pricing of Storyblok Headless CMS

Open source vs SaaS

Strapi is open-source and can be self-hosted for free. Storyblok is a SaaS platform that charges based on usage.

With Strapi's open-source model, you host the platform yourself, handling the infrastructure costs.

But you avoid recurring licensing fees. Storyblok handles hosting and infrastructure through its SaaS platform. But you pay based on your usage.

So Strapi appeals more to developers who want control, customization, and infrastructure.

Storyblok appeals to teams who want a turnkey SaaS content platform without managing servers.

Pricing models 

Strapi is 100% free and open source. You only pay for hosting infrastructure.

Storyblok has a free tier and then charges based on bandwidth, spaces used, and other metrics. Plans range from $99 to $799+ per month. Enterprise pricing is custom.

The pricing model you choose impacts your total cost of ownership. Self-hosting Strapi costs more upfront but saves money in the long term.

TCO considerations

With Strapi's open-source model, you take on the operational tasks of hosting, scaling, monitoring, and updating.

This adds labor costs but without licensing fees.

Storyblok handles hosting and operations, so you avoid these labor costs. But pay a recurring platform fee that grows with usage.

Evaluating the total cost over 3-5 years, including infrastructure, labor, and licensing, helps determine the optimal financial decision.

For high usage volumes, Storyblok's SaaS model can be more cost-efficient.


After comparing Strapi and Storyblok across various criteria, we can summarize the key differences between the two headless CMS options:

Content Modeling: Strapi offers more flexible and developer-friendly content modeling with its visual builder and code editor, while Storyblok has a simpler interface but less control.

Ease of Use: Storyblok has a more intuitive WYSIWYG editor and interface that are suited for less technical users. Strapi has a steeper learning curve.  

Customization: Strapi is significantly more customizable as an open-source platform where developers can modify the codebase. Storyblok customizations require using Bloks.

Scalability: Storyblok automatically scales to traffic spikes and offers CDN caching . Strapi requires more manual scaling and optimization.

Security: Storyblok has advanced authentication methods and compliance certs . Strapi provides flexibility but less out-of-box security.

Plugins: Strapi has a wider community with more plugins and integrations. Storyblok offers curated plugins and Bloks.

When choosing between the two, consider the following recommendation criteria:

  • For more control and customization at a lower cost, choose the open-source Strapi.  
  • For an easy-to-use SaaS focused on content editing, choose Storyblok.
  • For superior scalability and security needs, Storyblok is likely the better option.
  • Strapi offers more flexibility for advanced content modeling requirements.
  • For non-technical users or simpler content structures, Storyblok is easier to use.

Evaluate your specific use case, resources, and capabilities to determine if Strapi or Storyblok better fits your needs.

In many cases, both systems may be great options depending on the goals and priorities of your project. Book your Discovery call to know which one to choose!

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