Strapi vs WordPress: Is Custom or Pre-built CMS the Better Choice?

Aniket Ashtikar

Blog / Strapi vs WordPress: Is Custom or Pre-built CMS th

Content management systems (CMS) have become an integral part of managing content on the web.

As websites become more complex, powerful CMSs are required to manage everything from simple blogs to large enterprise websites and applications.

Strapi and WordPress are two popular open-source CMS options used by developers and businesses globally.

Both CMSs have their strengths and shortcomings.

Key Highlights

  • Comparison of Strapi and WordPress - two popular content management systems
  • Overview of architecture, features, ease of use, community support, etc.
  • Headless vs traditional CMS architecture
  • Customization, flexibility, scalability
  • Admin interfaces, theming, REST APIs 
  • Plugins, integrations, extensions
  • Learning curve, developer experience
  • Available resources, documentation
  • Hosting, licensing, and security considerations
  • Ideal use cases for Strapi and WordPress

Introduction to Strapi and WordPress

Strapi is a flexible, open-source headless CMS that allows you to build custom APIs quickly.

It focuses on developer experience and headless architecture.

WordPress is the world's most popular CMS powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. It has a traditional CMS architecture with a bundled frontend.

Content Management Systems (CMS) Overview

A content management system is software that helps users create, manage, and distribute content more efficiently.

CMSs allow non-technical users to publish content without knowing how to code. There are many different types of CMS platforms available today.

Strapi Overview

Strapi is an open-source, JavaScript-based headless CMS. It is designed to be customizable, developer-friendly, and enterprise-ready.


Key features of Strapi include

  • Headless architecture - Separates frontend from backend
  • Customizable and extensible 
  • Open-source and self-hosted
  • JSON-based REST APIs
  • Role-based access control
  • Plugins and middleware extensions
  • Active community and support

WordPress Overview

WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS platform currently powering over 40% of all websites .

Originally launched in 2003, WordPress has become a potent and flexible publishing platform. 


Key features include

  • Open-source and self-hosted
  • Traditional CMS architecture
  • User-friendly admin dashboard 
  • Custom post types, taxonomies, and fields
  • Extendable with plugins and themes 
  • Strong focus on SEO and security
  • Huge community resources and support

The core difference between Strapi and WordPress is the architectural approach - Strapi is headless while WordPress has a traditional CMS architecture.

Both platforms have their strengths and shortcomings.

Architecture Comparison

Strapi is a headless CMS that separates the backend CMS from the frontend.

This means the content repository and infrastructure are decoupled from the presentation layer.

Strapi focuses solely on the backend CMS.

WordPress is a traditional or monolithic CMS where the backend and frontend are bundled together.

All the admin, theming, content creation, etc. happens within one WordPress installation.

The headless architecture allows Strapi to be more flexible and portable across devices and channels.

WordPress is limited in terms of frontend flexibility and customization.

Frontend and Backend Separation

Since Strapi is headless, the frontend and backend are completely separate codebases.

The Strapi API outputs content via JSON that any frontend can consume - whether it's a mobile app, website, etc.

WordPress has the frontend bundled with the backend admin and dashboard.

While the REST API allows some separation, the theming and presentation layer is still coupled to WordPress.

This separation allows Strapi to scale and customize each layer as needed. WordPress is more constrained in terms of frontend flexibility.

Customization and Flexibility

Strapi offers unlimited flexibility and control in terms of how content is displayed on the frontend.

Developers can build 100% custom apps and experiences.

WordPress custom themes and plugins allow some flexibility, but you are limited to what's available and the core architecture.

Strapi gives developers complete frontend freedom .

The headless architecture and separation of backend/frontend allows Strapi to be customized significantly more than WordPress in terms of frontend experiences.

Features and Functionality

Strapi and WordPress offer different approaches when it comes to admin interfaces and dashboards.

Strapi has a modern, intuitive admin panel that allows you to easily manage content, users, permissions, and more. It is optimized for developers and content editors.

WordPress also provides a comprehensive dashboard for managing all aspects of your site, with more complexity as you add plugins and capabilities.

When it comes to customizing the admin experience, Strapi offers greater flexibility as developers can build fully customized admin panels using React or Vue.

WordPress admin theming is possible but more limited. Overall, Strapi may provide a faster, more streamlined authoring experience out of the box.

Plugins, Integrations, and Extensions

One of WordPress' biggest advantages is its massive ecosystem of plugins and integrations.

With over 55,000+ plugins, you can extend WordPress functionality in just about any way imaginable.

Strapi offers a plugin system as well, but its market is still emerging. 

For developers, Strapi makes it easy to build custom integrations and extensions using its flexible API-based architecture.

But WordPress still dominates when it comes to off-the-shelf integrations with 3rd party platforms and services.

Theming Options

Strapi is a headless CMS, meaning it does not include frontend rendering or theming capabilities out of the box.

Developers have full control over building themes using any frontend framework (React, Vue, Angular, etc.).

WordPress offers thousands of pre-made themes that can be installed and customized, allowing less technical users to achieve professional designs without coding.

The theming ecosystem is unrivaled. However, developers have to work within the constraints of WordPress' templating system if starting from scratch.


As a headless CMS built on Node.js, Strapi auto-generates fully customizable REST and GraphQL APIs that integrate seamlessly with any frontend stack.

Developers have full control.

WordPress REST API powers integration with frontends like mobile apps. But it is still a more traditional, templating-based architecture.

Plugins extend API capabilities, but Strapi offers more flexibility for decoupled architectures.

Ease of Use and Learning Curve

When choosing a CMS, it's important to consider how easy the system will be to use and learn for different users.

Strapi and WordPress differ quite a bit when it comes to ease of use and learning curve.

User Experience

For content editors and publishers, WordPress offers a much simpler, more intuitive user experience.

WordPress dashboard and content editing experience will feel familiar to most people. 

Strapi offers advanced customization options for the admin panel, but the default admin UI is more developer-focused rather than user-friendly.

Admin and Publishing

Publishing and managing content is seamless in WordPress.

The workflow allows users to easily create drafts, review content, manage media, and publish with just a few clicks.

User roles and permissions can be customized to match organizational needs.

Strapi requires more upfront development work to build custom admin interfaces and content workflows.

Developer Experience

For developers, Strapi provides a lot more flexibility and faster development than WordPress.

Strapi gives developers full control to build a custom admin panel, customize content models, integrate third-party services, and design custom APIs.

In WordPress, developers often need to work around existing architecture and standards to implement custom features.

The learning curve for WordPress is quite gradual since the system is already fully functioning out of the box.

For Strapi, there is a much steeper learning curve since it requires developers to build and customize most aspects of the CMS from the ground up.

However, for developers, Strapi grants much more creative freedom.

Community, Support, and Documentation

Strapi and WordPress both have active communities and good documentation, but WordPress has a much larger community overall.

Available Resources

Strapi has a growing community with helpful resources available. There are guides and tutorials on the Strapi website, as well as an active community forum .

The Strapi blog also provides updates, how-tos, and tips. However, Strapi's community is still quite small compared to WordPress.

WordPress has a vast community with extensive resources available for learning WordPress. 

There is comprehensive documentation on covering everything from basics to developing advanced sites.

The WordPress Codex also provides support articles troubleshooting common issues.

Additionally, over half a million plugins and thousands of themes are available.

Knowledge Bases 

Strapi provides documentation and guides focused mainly on developing the headless CMS. 

For developers building the front-end, resources may be lacking.

WordPress has vast documentation for both end-users and developers.

There are detailed code references for theming , custom development, and using WordPress as a headless CMS .

The knowledge base covers a very wide range of use cases.

User Forums and Discussions

Strapi forums have discussions between users and core developers. However, the community is not very large yet.

Questions may go unanswered.

WordPress has many active ser forums like forums , Reddit, Stack Exchange, etc.

Questions get answers promptly from a knowledgeable community of users, developers, and experts.

Overall, WordPress has vastly more community support available compared to Strapi.



Strapi is still new, so its community is growing . But WordPress will likely maintain an edge here.

Costs, scalability, and security

When it comes to costs, WordPress offers more flexible hosting options than Strapi.

WordPress can be hosted on shared hosting plans starting from as little as $2.95 per month .

Strapi on the other hand requires a dedicated server or cloud hosting which can cost upwards of $29 per month .



In terms of licensing, WordPress is open-source and 100% free to use.

Strapi is also open-source but charges for premium features and support. The costs for premium Strapi plans start from $99 per month.



There is a wider range of paid add-ons and extensions available for WordPress.

Popular WordPress plugins like WooCommerce are paid extensions. Strapi has a limited market of paid add-ons.

So with WordPress, you have more options for customizations, even if you need to pay extra.

Scalability and Performance

When comparing scalability and performance, Strapi may have an edge over WordPress. 

Strapi uses Node.js and MongoDB which provides better scalability for large datasets and traffic.

WordPress can face performance issues on cheap shared hosting plans when the site grows.

Strapi follows a headless architecture, with a decoupled frontend, which enhances performance.

WordPress still follows a traditional architecture which comes with certain limitations as the site grows.

Strapi can also handle large content repositories and multiple authors working simultaneously better than WordPress.

Security Considerations

When it comes to security, Strapi has fewer vulnerabilities as compared to WordPress. WordPress sites get hacked frequently if not updated regularly .

Strapi has a simpler codebase and fewer integration points, reducing vulnerabilities. 

WordPress sites require regular maintenance, updates, and backups to stay secure.

Strapi also provides role-based access control and permissions out of the box.

With WordPress, plugins need to be installed to control permissions and access. So Strapi edges past WordPress when it comes to security .


Strapi and WordPress have some key differences:





Strapi is a headless CMS focusing on the backendWordPress is a traditional CMS with an integrated frontend and backend.

Features and Functionality

Strapi has a simple admin panel and dashboard focused on content management.WordPress has a fuller-featured dashboard and thousands of plugins and integrations

Ease of use

Strapi has a steeper learning curve but is very developer-friendly.



WordPress is easier for non-developers to publish content quickly

Community and support

Strapi's community is growingWordPress has a vastly larger open-source community

Costs and scalability

Strapi is 100% open source and free. Strapi may scale better for large content-heavy sites. WordPress has free and paid options. WordPress offers more hosting options


Strapi gives developers more control while also requiring more responsibilityWordPress has decades of security enhancements but still requires vigilance

Ideal use cases

Strapi excels for headless applications needing 100% custom APIs and frontend. It works well for teams with strong developer resourcesWordPress excels as an affordable self-hosted CMS for sites not requiring complex custom APIs. It works well for bloggers and small teams on a budget
Difference b/w Strapi and WordPress

The Future of CMS 

The future of CMS is likely to be more decoupled, API-driven, and cloud-based.

Strapi is well positioned for this with its headless architecture.

However, WordPress will likely continue adapting to trends while retaining its user-friendliness.

The two may converge more over time as WordPress gets more “headless-ready”. Many sites may leverage both platforms together.

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