Commerce Layer: The Flexible and Scalable Shopping Experience

Transform your e-commerce with Commerce Layer. A flexible and scalable platform to create exceptional shopping experiences across multiple channels.

Commerce Layer






Technology / Commerce Layer: The Flexible and Scalable Shopping

Ecommerce experiences today need to be flexible, and scalable and deliver innovation at the pace of modern technology stacks. 

Commerce Layer enables just that as an API-first headless commerce engine built to supercharge developer productivity while handling complex commerce operations for brands.

With micro frontends for rapid implementation and 400+ APIs for limitless customization, Commerce Layer bridges the gap between content and commerce.

It lets brands focus on creating memorable shopping experiences while it handles all the complexities of cart, checkout, payments, taxes, fulfillment, and more at an enterprise scale.

Key Highlights

  • Understanding Commerce Layer
  • Benefits of using Commerce Layer
  • Capabilities of Commerce Layer
  • Enabling next-gen features
  • Business Capabilities

What is Commerce Layer?

Commerce Layer is a headless commerce engine that enables brands to deliver flexible and scalable shopping experiences optimized for modern tech stacks.

As an API-first platform, Commerce Layer takes an innovative approach that puts developer experience first. 

This allows brands to tap into the limitless possibilities of headless architecture for commerce.

A Headless Commerce Engine That Enables Agile Shopping Experiences

The “headless” aspect refers to the decoupled nature of Commerce Layer. It separates the front-end presentation layer from the back-end commerce functionality. 

This headless commerce engine acts as the intelligence layer that handles everything from cart to checkout and order orchestration.

Brands can use their choice of CMS, JavaScript frameworks, and content experiences. 

Commerce Layer seamlessly integrates the robust commerce capabilities via API integrations. 

This agility enables brands to respond faster to changing customer needs and innovation opportunities.

Whether building for the web, mobile apps, voice assistants, or IoT devices - the Commerce Layer powers the shopping functionality while developers own the experience layer. 

The extensive APIs even make existing traditional monoliths and databases “commerce-ready”.

The result is more personalized and optimized shopping experiences catered to new customer touchpoints - at scale.

Optimized For Developer Productivity and Customization

An API-first approach is fundamental to the Commerce Layer ethos. It ensures developers have the right tools and environment to rapidly build innovative shopping experiences that scale.

From the modular microservices architecture to comprehensive SDKs and documentation, everything streamlines developer workflows. 

Developers also have unprecedented customization and control for each brand’s unique business needs thanks to 400+ REST APIs and webhooks.

Commerce Layer handles all the complex problems of cart flows, taxes, compliance, fulfillment workflows, and global order orchestration. 

This frees up developers to focus on delivering memorable customer experiences.

The composable APIs integrate easily with existing systems allowing brands to enable new commerce use cases without disrupting existing platforms. 

Whether launching mobile apps, building voice-based commerce, or testing out the Internet of Things (IoT) - the Commerce Layer accelerates commerce innovation.

Key Benefits of Using Commerce Layer

Commerce Layer unlocks significant strategic advantages for brands looking to stay ahead in the world of digital commerce. Let's explore the core benefits further.

Seamless Flexibility Across Business Models, Touchpoints, and Tech Stacks

The headless and API-driven nature of Commerce Layer allows brands to adapt their commerce strategies without limitations.

Supports Any Business Model via Composable Architecture

The modular approach connects the required commerce microservices for each unique need. 

This means brands can launch marketplaces, subscriptions, wholesale channels, B2B models, and more with the same flexible foundation.

As business needs evolve, new capabilities can be added to the existing stack with minimal disruption thanks to the component-based architecture .

Code changes do not block the critical buying process for customers already on the platform.

Integrates Seamlessly with Existing Tech Stacks and Third-Party Tools

From traditional CMS(Content Management System) systems to modern JavaScript frameworks, Commerce Layer integrates with your existing content and tooling via APIs. 

There is no need to standardize on specific technologies because Commerce Layer meets devs where they are.

Commonly used marketing, analytics, support, and CRM platforms also connect out-of-the-box. The event and webhook architecture ensure all downstream systems have real-time order data. 

Custom integrations are also straightforward for specific use cases thanks to the documentation and SDKs.

Enables Omnichannel Commerce Strategies

The headless foundation allows brands to orchestrate unified commerce across all customer touchpoints. 

Websites, mobile apps, voice, and IoT devices can tap into the same Commerce Layer powered shopping functionality simultaneously through APIs.

In-store shopping systems can also process orders, update inventories, and more in real time by integrating point-of-sale (POS) software with the APIs.

This omnichannel capability provides flexibility to enable new emerging channels while allowing customers to seamlessly transition between touchpoints based on preferences.

The composable approach empowers brands to provide integrated shopping without being limited to certain technologies or channels. 

Commerce innovation across physical and digital worlds is made possible thanks to Commerce Layer's flexibility.

Image: Benefits of Using Commerce Layer

Built to Scale Complex Commerce Globally

Many platforms can handle simple commerce flows well but break down with complex b2b requirements or cross-border quirks at enterprise order volumes. 

Commerce Layer overcomes these limits to help brands scale.

Handles All Aspects of Complex Order Orchestration

Whether it's complex wholesale order processing, recurring subscriptions, or configurable products - Commerce Layer smoothly handles intricacies at scale. 

Taxes, promotions, payment capture, and fulfillment workflows automatically activate based on robust rules and events behind the scenes.

Developers can model all specifics of the business through the management APIs without patching holes in pre-packaged software. 

From product type variations to multi-step global order shipping, customization ensures optimal automation.

Optimized Checkout and Payments for Peak Performance

Deliver lightning-fast shopping cart and one-page checkout experiences through Commerce Layer's global edge network powered by Amazon CloudFront .

Strategically located endpoints minimize latency across geographies so transaction times stay lean even during traffic surges.

PCI-compliant payment integrations auto-activate the optimal payment gateway based on the customer location and context to convert higher international orders. 

Custom validations during checkout reduce failure rates.

Runs on a Reliable, Secure, and Compliant Platform

The enterprise-grade infrastructure ensures nearly continuous uptime for always-on shopping.

Multi-region active-active disaster recovery deployment ensures continuity despite outages. 

End-to-end encryption and broad compliance coverage (PCI DSS, GDPR) guard transactions.

Auto-scaling, preventative security monitoring, and proactive support enable flawless order processing capability even during traffic spikes - like Black Friday - year after year.

The industrial-strength foundations give developers less to worry about so they can focus more on customer-impacting innovation. 

Robust delivery of global commerce capability frees up resources towards experience differentiation.

Optimized for Developer Productivity and Innovation

Enabling developer autonomy to build innovative shopping experiences is a guiding tenet for Commerce Layer. 

The entire platform provides tools that streamline productivity and customization.

Jamstack Friendly Architecture Allows Quick Launches

The headless architecture interoperates seamlessly with modern Jamstack workflows. 

Pre-built micro frontends integrate core shopping functionality into new or existing sites quickly without disrupting their decoupled nature.

JAMStack frameworks like Next.js can tap into the Commerce Layer for cart and checkout functionality through SDKs and clean documentation.

This kickstarts new projects rapidly. As custom needs emerge, incremental adoption of modular Commerce Layer APIs augments capabilities.

Hundreds of APIs and Webhooks Enable Limitless Customization

While micro frontends accelerate initial builds, developers have full control to customize experiences over time as strategic objectives evolve.

With 400+ API endpoints across every facet of commerce, the possibilities are endless.

Real-time webhooks also enable reacting to hundreds of event triggers for use cases like order validation, inventory sync, or external system notifications.

If additional custom logic is needed, serverless functions can also integrate with APIs.

This tooling provides unlimited room for the brands to continue differentiating their shopping vision technically and experientially.

The modular commerce blocks handle complexity behind the scenes so developers can focus on innovation.

CLI, SDKs, Recipes, and Documentation Aid Onboarding

Besides API access, developers have Commerce Layer specific Command Line Interface (CLI) , software development kits (SDK) in popular languages, recipes, and meticulous documentation at their disposal.

This toolkit guides technical teams through initial onboarding, core configuration, testing, and deployments smoothly. 

As projects become larger, CLI and SDKs scale up efficiency by abstracting nitty-gritty API usages into simple function calls.

The reference blueprints and tutorials also demonstrate integrating Commerce Layer into diverse scenarios from mobile apps to voice assistants. 

This enables developers to get productive faster even with unfamiliar architectures.

The emphasis on developer autonomy ensures technology does not limit the brand's ability to adapt and lead markets through experiences fine-tuned to their vision.

Commerce Layer Capabilities Overview

Commerce Layer handles all complex back-end processes from order management to global inventory and logistics.

Developers can tap into these ready-to-use capabilities to build front-end experiences rapidly.

Robust Order Management and Payments

The order management module streams complex multi-step order workflows automatically. 

Developers can build customer experiences while Commerce Layer handles validations, payment capture, taxes, and fraud checks behind the scenes.

Supports Flexible Subscription and Recurring Payments

Model any subscription tenure, trial period, or renewal logic through the rules engine to rotate billing cycles. 

Change frequencies, and cancel or pause subscriptions via API without engineering overhead.

Custom payment integrations auto-capture subscription renewals, and invoices seamlessly while updating order records. Webhooks alert external BI tools.

Dynamic Tax Calculations, Shipping Options and Promotions

No manual coding is needed for tax lookups, shipping rate fetching from carriers, or promotions logic. 

Just configure the required parameters and transformations occur automatically during checkout providing accurate quotes.

Granular eligibility conditions can validate promotions while custom actions apply benefits like percentage discounts or free shipping coupons. Separate UIs can override prices before capture as well.

Unified Cart and Multi-Step Checkout Process

Carts automatically merge across devices allowing customers to add/update items seamlessly via browser, app, or assistant. 

Validation and inventory allocation happen in real-time against cart changes.

The checkout UI Experience remains separated from the Commerce Layer orchestrating order processes spanning payment, verification, reservations, and collection in the backend through various gateways like Stripe, Adyen, or Klarna.

Inventory, Logistics, and Channel Management

For enterprises, the Commerce Layer maps complex product catalogs, inventory flows, and reporting analytics while integrating logistics platforms.

Real-time Inventory Tracking and Updates Across Channels

As order quantities get allocated to carts, inventory counts decrease in real-time across all sales channels to prevent overselling - web, mobile, IoT, or in-store. 

Buffer quantities can be set aside if items need post-allocation verification. Warehouse-specific inventory pools help prioritize channels.

APIs allow batch updates, transfers between facilities or warehouses, and global quantity aggregation. 

Third-party POS and procurement systems stay aligned through webhooks.

Advanced Multistep Global Order Fulfillment Workflows

Model granular warehouse-specific business processes spanning order acceptance, allocation, picking, packing, manifests, and carrier integrations required for global inventory sync and shipping orchestration.

Context-aware rules route orders automatically based on product availability, proximity rules, and shipment configurations for fast processing.

Integrate In-Store and Online Operations

Share unified product, inventory, order, and customer records between online and POS systems for seamless engagement across self-service and assisted shopping journeys.

Store walk-ins can look up or retrieve online purchases through omnichannel capabilities.

Pre-authenticated POS access tokens enable associates to quickly look up customer purchase history for exchanges, refunds, etc. 

Pickup from store capabilities route demand enabling omnichannel fulfillment.

The robust back-end order and inventory infrastructure smoothly adapt to complex needs at the enterprise scale so developers can innovatively transform front-end experiences.

Enabling Next-Gen Customer Experiences

With robust back-end processes handled, brands utilizing the Commerce Layer can shift focus toward transforming customer experiences across channels.

Personalized Shopping Journeys

Granular customer segmentation coupled with customizable shopping experiences takes personalization to the next level.

Segment and Profile Customers

Capture key behavioral signals like past purchases, browsing history, and campaign interactions to group customers and power targeted campaigns. Custom traits like size preferences further enrich profiles.

Use segmentation APIs to define audiences for promotions based on lifetime value, purchase recency, and frequency. 

Integrate downstream martech and analytics tools to further refine targeting.

Curate Personalized Experiences Across Channels

Serve personalized recommendations and promotions through Commerce Layer APIs into various touchpoints based on buyer journeys. 

Welcome series for new users, win-back campaigns for churned shoppers, or loyalty incentives for big spenders can engage customers contextually.

Implement A/B tests for UX variations and render differentiated layouts, content, or offers using client-side experiences per audience.

Consistent workflows powered by Commerce Layer maximize relevance across channels.

Micro-segments, granular messaging, and contextual engagement optimize long-term customer value and retention.

Innovate New Commerce Channels

Tap into emerging assistants, devices, and surfaces to enable next-gen conversational, ambient, or augmented commerce.

Enable Mobile Commerce at Scale

Cohesive mobile apps, web, and other channels all connecting to Commerce Layer enable robust mobile experiences. 

Optimized checkout UX and tactile interactions create frictionless buying touchpoints.

Launch Voice-based Shopping Assistants

Add Alexa skills, Google Home actions, or device-specific apps to enable voice commerce to help consumers discover, transact, and track orders conversationally.

Connect Internet-of-Things Ecosystem

Integrate smart appliances, TVs, mirrors, displays, or automotive dashboards with Commerce Layer to embed the ability to view catalogs or transact everywhere consumers dwell.

Commerce Layer unshackles brands to push platform innovations that transform how consumers interact with shopping journeys digitally and physically.

Commerce Capabilities for Every Business Model

The needs of a small shopkeeper are vastly different from a global conglomerate. 

Commerce Layer adapts to any unique requirement to support their growth.

Multi-Vendor Marketplaces at Scale

Launching an Amazon-like platform? Solve vendor onboarding, payouts, and order routing complexity out-of-the-box while owning customer experiences.

Simplify Onboarding and Centralized Admin

Automate application review, onboarding, and profile management flow for sellers via APIs. Custom vetting checks can route applications for manual verification. 

Bulk upload vendor data or integrations with HR software prefill records.

Centralized inventory and catalog management aid onboarding by allowing marketplace teams to handle compliance, content quality, etc. while activating seller-specific controls at scale.

Flexible Commissions and Payouts Management

Model unlimited combinations of subscriptions, listings, transactions, or volume-based commissions per vendor. 

Schedule periodic payout runs splitting aggregated amounts minus marketplace fees based on contribution. Initiate mass transfers or reconcile apportioned taxes.

Customizable Self-Service Vendor Portals

Intuitive dashboards for vendors to manage profiles, listings, orders, analytics, promotion campaigns, and payout details.

Configure views based on business tiers. Expose monitoring APIs for helpdesk tools.

Marketplaces can scale while optimizing economics and vendor success rates powered by robust capabilities specialized for multi-seller models.

Complex B2B Models and Purchasing

Transform procurement, quoting, invoicing, approval workflows, and reporting for wholesale, enterprises, and resellers.

Purchasing Rule Driven Order Workflows

Custom catalog views, approval chains, and multistep workflows adapt to bulk B2B order automation, invoicing, and reconciliation needs of enterprises.

Manage multiple shipments, part invoicing, and specialized payment terms. Create purchase orders or integrate with SAP, Oracle, etc to feed downstream reporting.

Custom Enterprise Reporting and Analytics

Aggregate reporting spans accounts, vendors, and catalog purchases with dimensions like time, geographies, business units, etc. 

Restrict report visibility by user roles and permissions.

Expose raw analytics through APIs/CSV exports meeting complex data requirements for downstream ERP, BI, and data warehousing needs.

Tailor Experiences for Account Tiers

Offer exclusive catalog access, custom discounts, or account manager workflows for strategic accounts providing concierge procurement experiences fitting their stature and channels.

B2B experiences can be precisely tailored to nurture relationships across various partner personas - from self-signup resellers to specialized global accounts.

Unified Catalog and Content Management

Stay on top of exploding inventories and catalog content changes with centralized Product Information Management (PIM) tools integrated natively into your commerce experience.

Consolidated Catalog Spanning Integrations

Link catalog data across channels into a canonical format readable by any endpoint like web, mobile, IoT, etc. featuring enriched metadata, assets, variants, etc.

Integrate PIMs, DMSs, and other content sources via adapters or batch syncs to commerce-ready Product, Price, and Inventory records with full change history.

Dynamic Web And Mobile Views

Tailor catalog presentations based on segmentation rules and logic without altering backend data. 

Cache variants, translations, and media assets closer to the edge through CDNs for performance.

Revision History and Rollbacks

Preserve and roll back catalog changes in case of errors. Review change impact analysis across connected endpoints before publishing. Get alerts on conflicting changes.

With robust catalog data flows across systems, delivering consistent, relevant, and personalized shopping experiences becomes easier without analytics gaps.

Commerce Layer equips technical teams to support specialized business requirements at scale while retaining fast, relevant customer experiences across channels.

To Conclude

Commerce Layer is the ideal scalable foundation for future-proofing commerce strategies. 

Its headless architecture provides unmatched flexibility to integrate experiences with any business model, CMS, or technology stack.

Developers get the best of both worlds - ease of use through micro frontends for rapid builds while customizing experiences limitlessly through 400+ APIs.

On the backend, Commerce Layer handles all complexity from order orchestration to global inventory and logistics at the enterprise scale.

Its reliability and specializations covering subscriptions, B2B, mPOS , PIM, etc. meet diverse needs.

As consumer expectations continue to evolve across digital and physical channels , Commerce Layer sustains innovation through seamless experiences.

Its composable approach powers the experiences while providing an enterprise-grade commerce engine behind the scenes.

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