Python 101: The Basics Every Programmer Should Know

Learn how to build web applications, analyze data, and automate tasks efficiently with Python. Discover why Python is a popular choice for developers worldwide.







Technology / Python 101: The Basics Every Programmer Should Kno

Python is a widely used high-level programming language known for its code readability and simplicity.

Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has continued to grow in popularity over the past few decades.

Python supports multiple programming paradigms - object-oriented, structured, and functional programming styles can be implemented effectively.

Key Highlights

  • Understanding Python
  • Know the key features of Python
  • Learn uses and Applications 
  • Language Constructs of Python
  • Development ecosystem of Python
  • Deployment and maintenance

Introduction to Python

Python is a popular high-level programming language that can be used for a wide range of applications. 

Definition of Python

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.

It combines remarkable power with clear syntax. Python is a multi-paradigm language, supporting imperative, procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming styles.

Some key characteristics of Python:

Interpreted language: Python code is executed line-by-line by an interpreter, rather than being compiled. This allows for rapid prototyping and development.

Object-oriented: Python supports object-oriented programming, allowing developers to organize code into reusable classes and objects.

Dynamic typing: The type of Python variables is determined automatically at runtime, rather than needing variable types to be explicitly declared. This makes Python very flexible.

Easy to read syntax: Python code is designed to be readable and elegant, using whitespace indentation rather than brackets to delimit blocks. This makes Python easy to learn.

History and versions

Python was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. The language continues to evolve under the stewardship of its creator.

Some key milestones:

  • 1990: Guido van Rossum begins working on Python
  • 1994: Python 1.0 is released
  • 2000: Python 2.0 released, adds major features like list comprehensions
  • 2008: Python 3.0 released, not completely backward compatible but much cleaner
  • 2020: Python 3.9 is the current major stable release

Image: Timeline of Python

Python 2 vs Python 3

Python 2 reached end-of-life in 2020. Python 3 is under active development with new language features and library enhancements added on an ongoing basis.

The Python community has grown exponentially over the past decades, with Python being one of the most popular programming languages globally.

Leading technology companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix, and Spotify use Python extensively across their tech stacks.

Python is also hugely popular for data analysis, machine learning, AI, and scientific computing.

Key Features

Python has several key features that make it a popular, easy-to-learn, and versatile programming language:

Interpreted Language

  • Python is an interpreted language, meaning the source code is executed line-by-line at runtime by an interpreter instead of being compiled into machine code like other languages. 
  • This makes the edit-test-debug cycle very fast in Python. Code can be executed as soon as it is written.
  • The interpreter reads each line of code, interprets it into machine-executable instructions, and executes them immediately. This allows for rapid prototyping and debugging.

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Python supports object-oriented programming where programs are designed using classes and objects. 
  • This allows concepts in the real world to be modeled as objects in the code for easier manageability and modularity. 
  • Objects can store data and functions together to represent information and behavior. Class inheritance enables code reuse.

Dynamic Typing

  • Python uses dynamic typing instead of requiring variable declarations. 
  • The type of variables is resolved at runtime based on value assignment. 
  • This allows faster development times and more flexibility for programmers.
  • Variables can even change types after they are defined depending on context.

Easy-to-Learn Syntax

  • Python has a very simple and elegant syntax that is easy for beginners to learn. 
  • The code readability from proper structuring and indentation makes Python very intuitive.
  • Common programming tasks require much fewer lines of code compared to other languages. This improves productivity for expert Python programmers as well.

The combination of being an interpreted, object-oriented language with dynamic typing and simple syntax makes Python a versatile, beginner-friendly, and highly productive language for a wide range of applications.

Uses and Applications

Python is a versatile programming language used for a wide range of applications.

Some of the major uses and applications of Python include:

Web Development

  • Python has powerful web development frameworks like  Django , Flask, Pyramid, etc.
  • These frameworks help build scalable and secure web applications.
  • Python is used to develop web backends, APIs, dynamic websites, etc. Major sites like YouTube, Instagram, and Dropbox use Python for their web apps.

Software Development  

  • Python is great for building desktop applications and software prototypes quickly.
  • It is used to develop productivity software, business applications, ERP, and CRM systems.
  • Its vast libraries allow for adding complex capabilities like GUIs, charts, reports, etc. 

Scientific Computing and Data Analysis

  • With libraries like  NumPySciPyPandas , and Matplotlib - Python excels at scientific computations and data analysis.
  • It offers tools for numerical calculations, statistical modeling, data visualization, etc.
  • Python is the programming language of choice for data scientists and AI/ML engineers.

Machine Learning and AI

  • Python has become the #1 language for machine learning and artificial intelligence.
  • It has powerful ML libraries like  TensorFlowKerasPyTorchscikit-learn , etc.
  • These libraries have inbuilt models and algorithms for creating complex ML systems easily.


  • Python is useful for test automation, DevOps, and process automation .
  • It can automate repetitive computer tasks and integrate with tools like Selenium, Ansible, Jenkins, etc.
  • Python scripts can control hardware devices, monitor systems, and automate infrastructure.

Python serves a wide range of application domains - from web and software development to technical computing.

Its versatility, productivity, and extensive libraries make it an ideal language for beginners and experts alike.

Language Constructs

Python has several basic language constructs that allow you to organize and structure your code.

Understanding these building blocks is key to writing clean, readable Python programs.

Image: Features of Python

Variables and Data Types

Python is dynamically typed - you don't need to declare variables before assigning them a value and the type is inferred automatically based on the value assigned. 

Common basic data types in Python include numbers (integers, floats, complex numbers), strings, booleans, lists, tuples, and dictionaries.

You can assign values to variables using the = operator and reference them later in your code.

For example:


x = 5 # x is an integer

text = "Hello" # text is a string

Control Flow Statements 

  • Control flow statements allow you to control the order of execution of code blocks based on certain conditions.
  • Common statements include if-else conditional blocks, for and while loops, break and continue statements.
  • Control flow allows you to write non-linear code that branches based on data values at runtime. For example: 

if x > 0:

   print("x is positive")


   print("x is negative") 


  • Functions allow you to encapsulate reusable pieces of code under a name that can be executed by calling the function.
  • Functions can optionally accept parameters and return values to the calling code. For example:

def double(x):

    return x*2

print(double(3)) # Prints 6

Functions are a key way to organize logic in a modular reusable way.

Classes and OOP

  • Python supports object-oriented programming (OOP) through classes and objects.
  • A class defines attributes and behaviors for an object, acting like a blueprint. 
  • You can create multiple instances of a class, modifying attributes and calling methods on each instance.
  • OOP allows code reuse through the inheritance and composition of class behaviors. For example:

class Vehicle:

    def __init__(self, max_speed):

        self.max_speed = max_speed

car = Vehicle(250) 


This covers some key language constructs like variables, control flows, functions, and classes that form the core building blocks of Python programs.

Mastering these will allow you to write modular and scalable Python code.

Development Ecosystem

Python has a rich ecosystem of libraries, frameworks , IDEs, and testing tools that support rapid and robust application development.

Libraries for Specialized Tasks

Python has thousands of open-source libraries that provide ready-to-use capabilities for performing specialized tasks:

  • Numerical and scientific computing with NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib
  • Machine learning with Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch  
  • Web development with Django, Flask, FastAPI
  • Image processing with OpenCV, Pillow
  • Natural language processing with NLTK, SpaCy  
  • API development with Requests, Beautiful Soup

These libraries help developers avoid reinventing the wheel and speed up development.

Frameworks for Faster Development 

Python web frameworks like Django, Flask, and FastAPI allow the creation of full-featured web apps and APIs quickly with less code.

They provide convenient abstractions and conventions like ORM, template engines, and routing to accelerate building complex applications.

IDEs for Coding and Debugging

IDEs like PyCharm , VS Code, and Spyder provide features that enhance developer productivity like:

  • Code completion and intelligence 
  • Debugging and real-time error highlighting support
  • Integrated terminal, version control, code refactoring
  • Support for virtual environments

They enable faster and frustration-free coding in Python.

Testing Tools

Python has a culture of rigorous testing. Some popular Python testing frameworks include:

unittest - Python's built-in unit testing framework 

pytest - a feature-rich and easy-to-use testing framework

Selenium - for automation testing and web browser simulation

These tools help developers write tests to validate functionality and prevent bugs in Python code.

Automated testing and TDD are best practices for writing robust Python applications.

The rich Python ecosystem enables scalable and maintainable app development following modern software design principles.

Deployment and Maintenance

Python code needs to be deployed properly for utilization by end-users and applications.

This section covers steps for deployment and maintenance best practices.

Interpreter Installation

The Python interpreter is required on any system intended to run Python programs.

Here are popular methods to install Python:

Installers from - Official binary installers for Windows, macOS and Linux. Easy to set up.

OS package managers - Tools like apt, yum, and brew, that manage installations on Linux, macOS, and Windows (WSL). Integrates well with the OS.

Third-party distributions - Anaconda, ActivePython, etc. come bundled with scientific libraries and IDEs. Useful for data science.

Virtual environments - Isolated Python environments for each project, managed by venv/virtualenv. Great for dependency and version management.

Running Python Programs

Once Python is set up, programs can be run in multiple ways:

Interactive shell - Great for testing snippets and experimenting live. Start by running python or python3.

Scripts - Python source files executed like $ python Adds parameters, packaging, and distribution.

Executables - Special scripts that instruct the OS to execute like regular binaries. Set via chmod +x.

Integrated with apps - Many apps embed Python for scripting and automation via custom APIs. E.g. Blender, Maya, Nuke, etc.

Scalability and Performance

For enterprise-grade deployment, Python applications need to be made scalable and high-performing:  

  • Asynchronous frameworks like  asyncio allow concurrent I/O requests for scalability.
  • Just-in-time compilers like PyPy speed up execution by caching compiled bytecode.
  • Distributed processing of multiprocessor and cluster computing achieves parallelism.
  • Optimization using buffers, queues, caching, workers, etc improves application performance.

Profiling tools help find bottlenecks in code. Following best practices results in a smooth user experience for modern web and cloud workloads.

The Python environment can be tuned for optimal utilization of available computing resources.

Community and Career Opportunities

Python has an active, global open-source community supporting it. The Python Software Foundation manages the language design and development.

Thousands of programmers contribute to the CPython reference implementation. Many more build libraries, tools, and frameworks on top of Python.

There are local Python user groups in most major cities.

PyCon events attract thousands of Python developers every year. Online communities like StackOverflow have become popular places to get help.

Mailing lists and forums see vibrant discussions on Python's future. The community culture is friendly and welcoming to beginners.

A host of learning resources for Python exists, from online courses to books to interactive tutorials.

Python's official documentation contains guides and comprehensive reference materials. Being an open-source project, all these resources are freely accessible.

Python is used in many scientific and enterprise environments. It opens up various attractive career opportunities for programmers.

One can become a web developer, data analyst, AI/ML engineer, automation scripter, and system administrator - among other jobs - by gaining expertise in Python.

Startups and technology companies actively hire Python talent. Learning Python can be the first step to building a rewarding technology career.

With a huge community and abundant resources for learning, Python makes it easy for programming enthusiasts of all backgrounds to skill up.

The rising demand for Python in fields like data science, machine learning, and web development promises growing career opportunities for Python programmers.

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